On Friday, June 14th, more than forty people met in Hontoria del Pinar, a village in the heart of the Pinares Burgos-Soria region, to establish the Spanish Multi-Actor Platform (MAP). This platform will lead and promote the ESIRA social innovation initiatives across the territory.
During this landmark meeting, participants introduced themselves and engaged in a vibrant and open dialogue about their expectations and innovative projects. The exchange of ideas and experiences fostered initial synergies among local actors, setting a collaborative tone for future endeavors. The Spanish ESIRA team, comprising representatives from the University of Burgos (UBU), the Oxygen Foundation (FOX), and the Society for the Development of the Burgos Region (SODEBUR), facilitated the discussions.
Over the summer break, a series of activities, including training sessions and community actions, are scheduled to maintain momentum and strengthen ties with the villages and their residents.
The next MAP meeting is scheduled for September 20th. In the meantime, members will delve into the operational framework of the MAP and define the specific roles and responsibilities. A structured approach will ensure that the platform functions efficiently.
With this initial milestone achieved, the Pinares Burgos-Soria MAP embarks on a promising four-year journey. The platform’s mission is to empower citizen-led projects, inspire further innovative initiatives, and cultivate a robust community anchored in the values of social inclusion and cooperation.